10 Best Fruits And Vegetables To Lacto-Ferment


Used to make sauerkraut, cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables for lacto-fermentation.


Used to make pickles, cucumbers can be fermented whole or sliced.


Fermented carrots are crunchy and flavorful, and they can be combined with other vegetables for a colorful mix.


Fermented radishes add a spicy kick to ferments and can be used in salads or as a side dish.

Bell Peppers:

Fermented bell peppers are sweet and tangy and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Green Beans: 

Fermented green beans, also known as dilly beans, are a popular lacto-fermented snack.


Fermented beets have a unique flavor and vibrant color and can be used in salads or as a side dish.


Fermented ginger can be used to make a spicy, tangy condiment called ginger beer or simply added to dishes for a burst of flavor.


Fermented apples can be used to make a tangy applesauce or added to salads for a sweet and sour twist.


Fermented pineapple is sweet and tangy and can be used in smoothies or as a topping for desserts.

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