10 Fruity Soups From Around The World

Watermelon Soup:

This refreshing soup is made with pureed watermelon, flavored with a hint of lime juice and garnished with fresh mint leaves.


A classic Spanish cold soup, gazpacho is made with ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, garlic.

Peach Soup:

This Hungarian specialty features ripe peaches blended with yogurt, sugar, and a touch of cinnamon.

Cantaloupe Soup:

In this French-inspired soup, ripe cantaloupe melon is pureed with a splash of orange juice, a hint of honey.

Strawberry Soup:

This Swedish delicacy combines fresh strawberries with yogurt, sour cream, and a touch of sugar, served cold as a sweet and creamy summer soup.

Mango Gazpacho:

A tropical twist on the traditional Spanish gazpacho, this Mexican version features ripe mangoes blended with tomatoes.

Mango Soup:

In this Indian-inspired soup, ripe mangoes are pureed with yogurt, sugar, and a hint of cardamom.

Pineapple Soup:

This Caribbean specialty combines ripe pineapple with coconut milk, lime juice, and a touch of rum for a tropical.

Lime Soup:

In this Mexican-inspired soup, ripe avocados are blended with fresh lime juice, cilantro, garlic, and vegetable broth to create a creamy.

Lychee Soup:

In this Chinese delicacy, ripe lychees are blended with coconut milk, honey, and a splash of lime juice, then chilled and garnished.

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