10 Most Naturally Beautiful States in the U.S., New Data Shows

New York

New York might be last on the list, but it's certainly not lacking in natural beauty

North Carolina

If you head south down the East Coast, you'll eventually reach the 9th most naturally beautiful state in the U.S. North Carolina slightly edges out New York.


In comparison to the other 10 states, Colorado does not have the most of any one thing. But Jones says that its national parks are its "highest ranking factor" in general.


Wyoming should be on your list of places to visit if it's not already. Yellowstone and Grand Teton are two of the most popular national parks in the state. 


You could also kill two birds with one stone by visiting the 7th and 6th most naturally beautiful states in the U.S. on the same trip.


Though the mainland U.S. is where most people want to go, you can still stay in the country and enjoy the beautiful scenery.


Oregon is very close to being one of the three most beautiful places in the U.S. to live in. But there's a reason it's still in the top half.


The nation's only other noncontiguous states gets the bronze for its breathtaking views.


People who live in California often appear happier than anyone else—and it's not hard to figure out why.


However, Washington is the best place to go if you want to see the most beautiful scenery for your money.