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10 Unhealthy Snacks You Might Think Are Good For You

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Granola bars:

While some granola bars are nutritious, many are high in added sugars and unhealthy fats. Look for bars.

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Trail mix:

Trail mix can be a healthy snack, but some varieties are loaded with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats from added candies and chocolate.

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Flavored yogurt:

Flavored yogurt often contains added sugars and artificial flavors. Choose plain yogurt and add your own fruit or honey for sweetness.

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Veggie chips

While they may seem like a healthier alternative to potato chips, veggie chips are often deep-fried and high in unhealthy fats.

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Fruit juice:

Fruit juice can be high in sugar and calories, even if it's 100% juice. Limit your intake and opt for whole fruits instead.

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While necessary for those with gluten intolerance, many gluten-free snacks are highly processed and can be high in unhealthy fats and sugars.

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While homemade smoothies can be nutritious, store-bought smoothies can be high in sugar and calories. Be mindful of portion sizes and ingredients.

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Veggie straws:

Veggie straws are often marketed as a healthier alternative to potato chips, but they can be high in sodium and unhealthy fats.

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Protein bars:

Protein bars can be a convenient snack, but many are high in added sugars and unhealthy fats.

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Rice cakes:

While low in calories, rice cakes are high in refined carbohydrates and can cause blood sugar spikes.

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