7 Signs Of Gastrointestinal Disorders


Everything from allergies to ulcers to migraines can produce nausea. Although occasional nausea without vomiting is harmless, numerous instances should be reported to a doctor.


GERD, or Heartburn, is a common GI illness in the US, affecting around 20% of individuals.


Up to 25% of healthy people have occasional bloating, but it may indicate a greater issue. Approximately 90% of IBS sufferers experience bloating.


Many anemic persons find that iron supplementation and diet changes help. GI problems may increase the risk of Iron Deficiency Anemia.


If no amount of sleep or rest can revive you, see a doctor about your lethargy. Celiac and IBS are two GI illnesses connected to persistent fatigue.

Excess Gas

Nobody likes having too much gas or having to belch in public. Many digestive health disorders, including celiac, are connected to excessive gas, which is flatulence or belching more than 20 times per day. 


Many things can cause vomiting, including GI issues, food sickness, and pregnancy. Experiences of violent vomiting are different.

Changes In mood

Mental health is related to physical health, as everyone knows. Research shows a strong brain-gut connection, and IBS and comparable illnesses are associated with depression and anxiety.