8 Top Little Garden Plants

Rozanne Geranium 

It won Plant of the Century at the 2013 RHS Chelsea Flower Show with its abundant blue flowers from May to September and exquisite deeply divided mid-green foliage. 

E. 'Bowles' Mauve'

This low-maintenance, colorful flower for a sunny border lasts months on long, elegant stems but should be replaced. It grows in poor soil and prefers full sun.

 Gem 'Totally Tangerine'

Bright pumpkin-orange flowers on long stems bloom from spring to October above scalloped foliage. Put it in the sun.

'Green Ripple' Hedera

This ivy is a robust plant with attractive crimped, evergreen leaf. If it grows out of control, cut off undesirable branches in spring.

 Trachelospermum Jasminoides

This woody evergreen needs help initially. Winter bronzes its glossy dark green foliage, while summer brings starry white, fragrant blossoms.

Pileostegia Viburnoides

Like Hydrangea petiolaris, this evergreen, self-clinging climber thrives on north-facing shaded walls. Late summer and autumn bring delicate clusters of creamy-white blossoms.

Green-Fingered Fatsia Polycarpa

This easy-to-grow tropical plant is robust as old boots and happy in sun or shade despite its gorgeous looks.

Domestica 'Obsessed'

This small, year-round beauty with flaming red foliage in spring, white clusters in midsummer, and golden red in winter. It grows nicely in sun or shade.