Fantastic Cake Recipes That Will Amaze

Dark Chocolate Espresso Mousse Cake

Five ingredients make this fudgy chocolate cake easy. Chocolate, coffee, olive oil, eggs, and a little sugar replace wheat and gluten.

 Pomegranate Cake

A sticky almond sponge cake with pomegranate drizzle and creamy mascarpone icing is made in this recipe. Decorate and serve within one hour.

lemon And Yogurt Tea Loaf

Using yogurt and raspberries, this lemon drizzle cake is unique. You can use whatever's available or in season, but blueberries or blackberries work well.

Almond, Honey, Lemon Thyme Cake

Amazingly, this honey-filled squidgy cake can last 10 days in an airtight container. No flour or butter—just ground almonds and olive oil.

Hot Chocolate Cake

This simple stunner tastes like drinking chocolate. Cocoa buttercream, whipped cream, grated chocolate, and small marshmallows cover three layers of cake.

Chocolate Torte

This quick, rich, dense, and fudgy cake is wonderful for chocolate fans and makes a great dessert with fresh berries and whipped cream.

Seedy Almond Cake

This rich, nutty cake goes well with tea or yogurt and fruit. The recipe asks for pumpkin, poppy, and sunflower seeds, but you may use whatever's on hand.