These 10 Are the Animals that Hunt Rattlesnakes

Kingsnakes: Kingsnakes are immune to rattlesnake venom and are known to actively hunt and consume rattlesnakes.

Roadrunners: These birds are known to be able to kill and consume rattlesnakes, often by grabbing them behind the head and beating them against the ground.

Raccoons: Raccoons have been known to prey on rattlesnakes, though this is less common than with some other predators.

Coyotes: Coyotes are known to prey on rattlesnakes, though they are more likely to scavenge a snake that has already been killed.

Hawks: Some species of hawks, such as the red-tailed hawk, are known to hunt and feed on snakes, including rattlesnakes.

Eagles: Eagles, particularly the golden eagle, have been known to hunt and feed on rattlesnakes.

Bobcats: Bobcats are known to hunt a variety of prey, including snakes, and may prey on rattlesnakes if the opportunity arises.

Owls: Some species of owls, such as the great horned owl, are known to hunt snakes, including rattlesnakes.

Badgers: Badgers are known to prey on snakes, including rattlesnakes, though this behavior is less common than with some other predators.

Foxes: Foxes are known to prey on a variety of animals, including snakes, and may prey on rattlesnakes if the opportunity arises.

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