What Are High Protein Diets?

High-Protein Diets?

Why does weight loss generally involve high-protein diets? You'll learn all about this popular method here.

What's Protein?

Protein is needed for growth, brain development, bone health, and hormone production. The building components of proteins are amino acids

What's Protein?

Humans need 22 amino acids, nine of which are ‘essential’ since they cannot be made in the body and must be obtained from diet.

You Require How Much Protein?

The RNI for an average, inactive adult is 0.75 gram/kg of body weight, the minimal protein intake needed to keep healthy.

You Require How Much Protein?

As a baseline, you need to account for additional protein needs based on age, weight, gender, activity level, and life stage.

A High-Protein Diet?

High-protein diets help lose weight, boost energy, and stabilize blood sugar by eating more protein and fewer carbs and fat.

How To Assess Protein Needs?

Your diet's protein content (grams) Since each gram of protein contains 4kcal, calculate the percentage of protein calories.Calculate protein intake per kg of body weight.

How Do High-Protein Diets Work?

Consuming more protein can decrease appetite hormones and reduce hunger for hours after eating. 

How Do High-Protein Diets Work?

It may also increase calorie burn by 20–35%. These three factors suggest protein-rich diets may aid weight loss.