10 Surprisingly Sugary Foods and Drinks


Flavored yogurts can contain a significant amount of added sugars. Opt for plain yogurt and add your own toppings like fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey.

Granola Bars:

Many granola bars marketed as healthy can be loaded with sugars. Look for options with lower sugar content or make your own at home.


Pre-packaged smoothies often have added sugars to enhance flavor. Making your own smoothies.


Breakfast cereals, especially those marketed to kids, can be high in sugars. Look for cereals with low sugar content and whole grains.

Coffee Drinks:

Coffee drinks from cafes can be loaded with sugars from syrups and flavored creams. Opt for simpler, less sugary options.


Many condiments, including ketchup, contain added sugars. Look for sugar-free or reduced-sugar options.

Salad Dressing:

Some salad dressings can contain added sugars for flavor. Choose dressings with simple ingredients or make your own at home.

Barbecue Sauce:

Barbecue sauce can be high in sugars. Look for options with lower sugar content or use it sparingly.

Canned Soup:

Some canned soups can contain added sugars for flavor. Look for options with lower sugar content or make your own soup at home.

Sports Drinks:

While they are marketed as rehydration beverages, sports drinks can be high in sugars. Consider alternatives like coconut water.

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