Historical Extinct Animals: A Glimpse into the Past


The dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years before a catastrophic event, likely an asteroid impact, led to their mass extinction around 65 million years ago.

Mammoths and Mastodons:

These large, hairy relatives of modern elephants lived during the Pleistocene epoch and were well-adapted to the colder climates of the time.

Sabertooth Cats:

Sabertooth cats, like Smilodon, were powerful predators with long, curved canine teeth.

Dodo Bird:

The flightless Dodo bird, native to the island of Mauritius, became extinct in the late 17th century due to human activities.

Great Auk:

The Great Auk was a flightless bird that inhabited the North Atlantic. Human exploitation for its feathers, eggs, and meat led to its extinction in the mid-19th century.

Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger):

The Thylacine, a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and Tasmania, became extinct in the early 20th century, largely due to hunting, habitat destruction, and disease.


The Quagga, a subspecies of the plains zebra, was native to South Africa. Overhunting by European settlers led to its extinction in the late 19th century.

Woolly Rhino:

The Woolly Rhino, adapted to the cold climates of the Pleistocene, became extinct around 10,000 years ago. Climate change and human hunting likely played a role.

Irish Elk:

The Irish Elk, despite its name, was a species of giant deer. It went extinct around 7,700 years ago, possibly due to a combination of climate change and human hunting.

Steller's Sea Cow:

Steller's Sea Cow, a massive marine mammal, became extinct in the 18th century within 27 years of its discovery by humans.

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